
Lansing 5:01 Events

Mark your calendar for 5:01 p.m. Whether you’re coming back to your hometown or saying hello for the first time, we’ll show you what Lansing’s been up to after work hours.

Event Series

Our city isn’t boring, and its networking events should be either. Each experience in the Lansing 5:01 event series gives those in, around and visiting Lansing an opportunity to connect outside the cubicle and experience what our area has to offer.

Our signature event series includes some of our favorite experiences that we throw every year. And for additional events, we think beyond the traditional throw every year. And for additional events, we think beyond the traditional cocktail mixer. Zip-lining across historic buildings downtown? We did that. Networking on the floor of an empty pool? Yep, it happened. A fashion show on a literal airplane runway? Been there, done that.

There is so much to do here. And there is so much more on the horizon. Come join us.

Capital Comeback

Connect with former and current Lansing residents in a casual, contemporary networking setting at Cooley Law School Stadium in the heart of Lansing’s Stadium District.
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Summer Showcase

Summertime is even more beautiful in the Capital City. We’re showcasing the best of Lansing to the next generation of Lansing leaders.
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Young Professionals Network

Sometimes it really is about who you know. Connect with fellow young professionals in the area and make some after-five friends along the way.
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Explore Lansing's Network of Communities

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Our sponsors make our work possible–learn more about our sponsorship tiers. Give back to
your community’s development, and your community will give back to you. It’s good karma.