why lansing

Why Lansing?

Big things are happening. Are you ready to get in on the ground floor? Affordable, connected, inclusive, inspiring. That sounds like a pretty good place to call home.

Something special is brewing here.

At every period of resurgence, there’s a peculiar energy in the air. It’s difficult to pinpoint: excitement, anticipation, inspiration, determination. People making connections, businesses taking creative risks, artists changing the landscape—there really is a sense of something magical happening in Lansing. Across the landscape, we’re rolling up our sleeves and getting involved in a movement that’s a whole lot bigger than ourselves—and we’re exploring who we are along the way. That’s how it feels right now in Lansing.


What's the Lansing vibe? A fresh start. Authentic people. A welcoming environment. 

To start, people in Lansing appreciate good ol' Midwestern seasons (sometimes experiencing hints of all four in the same day). Lounge by the pool or on the beach in the summer. Visit a cider mill before a colorful backdrop in the fall. Try your hand at cross country skiing or snowshoeing in the winter. And embrace your newfound appreciation for that fresh, crisp air in the spring. We're always changing.

And we've got that Midwest friendly feeling, too. Lansing is a inclusive environment where you can bring all of yourself. Inclusive spaces welcome people from all backgrounds, walks of life, and beliefs. We believe that diversity, in all of its forms, is the foundation of a solid community. Whatever your stories you bring and whatever chapters you hope to write in the future, you are welcome in Lansing. 

When it comes to work ethic, Lansing strikes a balance between working hard and taking time to enjoy the everyday. With a Big Ten university and an innovative spirit, people here value thinking big. Career opportunities in areas like state government, healthcare, insurance, technology, and entrepreneurship give you opportunities to flex that work ethic—but we understand that there's much to explore beyond the office after 5 p.m., too.


In most markets, you might not be able to buy a home within biking distance of work and enough square footage to start a garden on your current salary. Then again, most markets aren’t Lansing.

With a wide variety of housing options across 22 communities, there’s an address that reflects your personality: A modern loft apartment overlooking a baseball stadium downtown. A historic bungalow in a tight-knit neighborhood, with a layer of paint for each layer of its past. A sprawling ranch in the country with enough acres for some chickens and a goat or two. A new build that comes with a neighborhood full of kids, walking trails and a park at the corner. Even a piece of history with a rare Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian home. Lansing’s housing market provides everything you’re looking for.

At some point, it’s time to think outside the walls of cramped city apartments with rent that eats your whole paycheck. Affordable housing options make the revamped American Dream a real possibility in Lansing. Compared to other metropolitan areas of the same size, Lansing delivers more bedrooms for your buck—so you can pay off your mortgage faster or splurge on an amazing view.

When you can put down roots somewhere, you can thrive there. Find a place where you can truly connect with and become an integral part of your community. There’s a home for everyone here. Start building the future you’ve always imagined.


We’ll say it: Sitting in traffic may actually be the worst. But what if you could say goodbye to bumper-to-bumper cars or that hour-long commute for good?

From commutes to getaways, getting around couldn’t be simpler in Lansing. Locally, expressways and scenic country roads connect our network of communities. Lansing’s efficient and accessible public transit system provides 32 routes (including a lunch trolley) servicing the Lansing area and Michigan State University. And, of course, ridesharing services and cabs are never in short supply. (Especially after a night out.)

And because we do things a little differently in Lansing, your commute doesn’t need to involve four wheels. Bike to work on Lansing’s 13-mile River Trail, which connects numerous neighborhoods to the downtown hub along the banks of the beautiful Grand River and Red Cedar River. If you’ve only got a few miles to go, walk, scooter or even kayak. (Yep, we’ve got those for rent, too.) Whatever fits your mood–or the weather.

Located in the palm of the mitten state, you’re never far from all that Michigan has to offer. Drive an hour east or west and you’ll hit the shores of a Great Lake. Split the difference between Detroit and Grand Rapids for a spontaneous day trip. If you’ve got a little more time to spare, we’re all about impromptu trips to Chicago or Traverse City—you can get to either in just a few hours. And if you’re looking to use those vacation days? We’ve got an international airport for that, right here in Lansing. You’ve got places to go and people to see, and Lansing’s got more than a few ways for you to get there.

In Lansing, we’re pretty much a culmination of that Midwest-friendly-feeling. Inclusive spaces and organizations welcome people from diverse backgrounds and points of view: all ages, groups, beliefs and walks of life are welcome here. Running into a friend in the dairy aisle or getting into an impromptu deep conversation in the neighbor’s driveway is the norm. Authenticity is expected. Positive energy is contagious, and you can feel that here. It’s this energy that drives us to connect, create and get involved.

Lansing’s people make our city home; we are the next generation of revitalization. We’re excited to be a part of it, and we’ve saved a spot for you.

Explore Lansing's Network of Communities